How do you find real lack and real passion?

We invite you to a Masterclass-style workshop, where Dr Robert French will explore how to negotiate a way through the complexities of our managed world, in order to do some of the worthwhile things we feel passionate about.

Under the relentless pressure for positivity and for productive work, how can we find a space to take the negative seriously? What happens if we give attention to lack, which is the root of desire? Exploring what the poet John Keats meant by the idea of ‘negative capability’, this workshop will present thinking about:

  • lack, want and desire, and the relationship between them
  • the nature and potential of negative capability
  • the need for leisure and the philosophical life
  • explore together with participants whether any of these ideas resonate with their experience and have any relevance for their working lives as leaders and managers.

Who should attend?

The workshop is aimed at Chief Social Work Officers, Chief Integration Officers and other senior staff in the health and social care sectors with a designated senior leadership role in Scotland.