Dementia Managed Knowledge Network (MKN)

Published in Features on 3 Jun 2013

According to Alzheimer Scotland figures, there are approximately 86,000 people who have dementia in Scotland, and around 3,200 of these people are under the age of 65. Access to information on the disease - what is is, how it manifests, how it can be treated, and what supports are available - is therefore crucial to ensure best possible care and support.

The Dementia Managed Knowledge Network (MKN), a network managed by a steering group with membership from NHS Education for Scotland, Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC), Iriss, Alzheimer Scotland and other organisations, provides information for anyone with an interest in the health and social care of people with dementia. It contains links to general resources such as legislation, policies and evidence summaries, as well as information for people with dementia, their families and carers. Examples of topics covered include assessment of needs/risk, assistive technologies, benefits and rights, community care and housing. The MKN also offers communities of practice across Scotland to enable people engage in discussions on dementia and share their practice knowledge.

From the homepage of the Dementia MKN, there is a link to the Promoting Excellence resource - a framework for all social services and health staff working with people with dementia, their families and carers to improve care and support. This is an NHS Education for Scotland and SSSC initiative, with an emphasis on creating a workforce which is person centred, knowledgeable and skilled in supporting people. The framework has four levels: informed, skilled, enhanced and expertise. These levels are designed to support practitioners develop their knowledge and skills. As well as ensuring the support of those with dementia, the framework also provides knowledge and skills guidance for those who may develop dementia, or those who recently diagnosed with dementia, their carers and families.

Visit Dementia Managed Knowledge Network

Further information on Promoting Excellence in dementia care
