Audit and analysis of Significant Case Reviews

Published in Reports on 16 Oct 2012

Written by Sharon Vincent (University of Wolverhampton) and Alison Petch (Iriss), this report presents the findings from an audit and analysis of the 56 Significant Case Reviews (SCRs) and 43 Initial Case Reviews (ICRs) conducted in Scotland since 2007.

National guidance for undertaking SCRs was introduced in Scotland in 2007 — Protecting children and young people: Interim guidance for child protection committees for conducting a Significant Case Review. There was a commitment within the national guidance to promote national, as well as local, learning. However, in contrast to England and Wales where national analyses of case reviews are commissioned bi-annually, until now the findings from SCRs have not been collated at national level in Scotland and accessible data on the number of SCRs that have been undertaken has not been readily available. As a result, the value of learning in SCRs to date has been limited, with lessons insufficiently shared beyond local boundaries.

The Scottish Government commissioned an independent short life working group of key multi-agency professionals in 2009 to consider the SCR process in the light of recent research and practice. The group made 10 specific recommendations to the Scottish Government to improve the SCR process in Scotland. This included a recommendation that they should commission an audit and analysis of all SCRs undertaken since 2007 to provide a baseline and an understanding of the relevant issues for practice.