Navigating evidence

A tool to support evidence use in practice
Published in Tools on 4 Feb 2020

Navigating Evidence is a tool that aims to equip newly qualified social workers with the skills and confidence to use evidence in practice. It is also useful to anyone working in social services, students and practice educators who would like to reflect on using evidence.

Navigating Evidence front page

Using evidence in practice is considered a critical professional social work skill (Bingham et al, 2016). Skills associated with the evidence-informed practice process, such as information retrieval, evaluation and synthesis, have been found to support problem-solving and decision-making (Wheeler and Goodman, 2007). The ability to interrogate evidence for its complexity is also essential, as evidence 'is often contested, and at times ambiguous' (Diaz and Drewery, 2016).

Activity page
Cultures of evidence, assess where on the spectrum you are…

This tool will take you on a journey that explores what evidence is and what is required to make good evidence-informed decisions. By the end, you will feel more confident about using evidence to make changes in your practice, and understand the important role your organisation plays in making this happen.

Would you like to learn more?
We offer hosted sessions expanding on our tools and their use. Contact for more information.