
Short videos filmed, commissioned or licensed by Iriss.

Criminal justice in Scotland - Mary Munro

Research soundbite

Mary Munro talks about a new book she edited with Hazel Croall and Gerry Mooney, entitled 'Criminal Justice in Scotland'. The book was published in December 2010, for further details see Criminal Justice in Scotland.

In this clip Mary talks about some of the key themes and issues explored in the book:

Football related violence in Scotland

Crime and Justice Research

Dr Niall Hamilton-Smith of the Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research and Dr David McArdle of the Stirling Law School discuss football related violence and disorder in Scotland, with particular reference to the use and efficacy of banning orders.

This recording is part of a 'discussion series' which aims to encourage and capture discussion and debate, and to share academic thinking and research findings as widely as possible.

Making the transition: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Research soundbite

Andy Aitchison, lecturer in social policy at the University of Edinburgh, talks about his book, 'Making the Transition: International Intervention, State-Building and Criminal Justice Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina', which was published in early 2011.

Criminal justice and utopias

Research soundbite

In this clip, Bill Munro, lecturer at the University of Stirling, talks about issues around criminal justice and utopia. He is currently exploring these ideas with Margaret Malloch (also from the University of Stirling), and they are in the process of developing some of their thoughts into a book proposal.

Diversion from prosecution to social work

Research soundbite

In this video clip Sarah MacQueen, from the University of Edinburgh, talks about a report she co-authored with Ben Bradford about Diversion from Prosecution.

Project Ability: Lea Cummings

Project Ability artist profile

In this short film multi talented artist and musician Lea Cummings discusses his approach to art and music. Lea can be found online at the following places: