
Parents Protect

Child sexual abuse is a not a subject that most people choose to dwell on for very long, however, the reality is that we are living in a world where such abuses can and do occur. Fortunately, there are initiatives doing good work to raise awareness of the issue and provide support in preventing child abuse.

National performance indicator: Increase the overall proportion of local authority areas receiving positive child protection inspection reports - full report

Evidence-informed performance improvement series no.1

In 2004, a new multidisciplinary children's services inspection team based in Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Education (HMIE) started to undertake inspections of child protection services in all 32 local authorities in Scotland. The authorities were inspected against 18 quality indicators on a six point scale ranging from Level 6, 'Excellent: Outstanding or Sector Leading', to Level 1, 'Major Weaknesses'.

National performance indicator: increase the overall proportion of local authority areas receiving positive child protection inspection reports – key findings

Evidence-informed performance improvement series no.1

In 2004, a new multidisciplinary children's services inspection team based in Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Education (HMIE) started to undertake inspections of child protection services in all 32 local authorities in Scotland. The authorities were inspected against 18 quality indicators on a six point scale ranging from Level 6, 'Excellent: Outstanding or Sector Leading', to Level 1, 'Major Weaknesses'.

Fostering resilience

Promotion of resilience in vulnerable children

Learning resource which introduces a structured approach to the assessment and promotion of resilience in vulnerable children.

Understanding Resilience

Resilience and the value of protective factors in planning to support vulnerable children

A resource on the concept of 'resilience' and the value of 'protective factors' in planning to support vulnerable children.

Understanding Attachment Theory

The basic principles of attachment theory

The objective of this learning object is to enable students to understand the basic principles of attachment theory and its importance for practice. This resource defines attachment, examines the components of attachment theory, patterns of attachment behaviour as well as attachment, abuse and neglect.

Children, families and child protection

Case study

This case has been designed as a focus for learning about the legal, ethical and practice issues emerging from a child protection case scenario. As the case moves from allegations of abuse to planning for permanent care, learners can be asked to interpret and assess an unfolding scenario of complex need and to consider a variety of responses designed both to promote the welfare of the three children and ensure parents' rights are actively considered.

The Assessment Triangle

exploring a key concept within child welfare

The Assessment Triangle is a key concept within child welfare and is a term that has been used since the late 1990s. In Scotland, it has been adopted within the development of an Integrated Assessment Framework, to which we also refer in this learning resource. There are a number of aspects of child assessment, in any domain - the home, the playground, the classroom, the GP surgery, or residential care, and others - where you will be thinking about assessment models and practice.

Key Capabilities in Child Care Protection website

Following the successful completion of the Key Capabilities in Child Care and Protection (2006) developed by the University of Dundee Centre for Child Care and Protection and SIESWE. The Child Care and Protection Training and Development Project aimed to track and enhance the process of embedding key capabilities across social work qualifying programmes by identifying and sharing innovative practice, and this project was concluded in 2008.