Learning Reviews

The Learning Review approach stemmed from Scotland’s commitment to strengthen its learning culture. An Adult Support and Protection Learning Review is a means for public bodies and office holders with responsibilities relating to the protection of adults at risk of harm to learn lessons from considering the circumstances where an adult at risk has died, or has been significantly harmed. The resources in this category point to official guidance in Learning Reviews, alongside helpful tools and other learning materials. Please note, it is not a comprehensive repository of all ASP Learning Reviews.

Learning Review guidance

An Adult Support and Protection Learning Review is a means for public bodies and office holders with responsibilities relating to the protection of adults at risk of harm to learn lessons from considering the circumstances where an adult at risk has died, or has been significantly harmed. This guidance is for Adult Protection Committees to use when considering, or undertaking, Learning Reviews.

Cover image from guidance

Significant case review / learning review - Margaret Fleming: presentation to CPC/ASP joint meeting (Inverclyde)

This presentation was delivered in April 2024 to a joint Child Protection / Adult Support and Protection meeting. It explains the significant case review / learning review of Margaret Fleming, who was murdered late 1999/early 2000. The review sought to learn from Margaret's life and explicitly adopts a human rights and trauma-informed approach. The learning disability community were included within the review.

Intro slide for presentation

Learning reviews across the public protection landscape: presentation to CPC/ASP joint meeting

This presentation was delivered by the Care Inspectorate in April 2024 to a joint child protection / Adult Support and Protection meeting. It sets out the background to both children's and adults learning reviews, and themes that can be pulled out from each. The presentation also details the Care Inspectorate developments on aligning processes between children's and adults learning reviews, and future work.

Title slide of presentation

Learning Review (informal): A22 (Perth and Kinross)

This informal learning review follows a series of crisis meetings that led to the hospital admission of 'A22'. It particularly concerns a whole-family approach to Adult Support and Protection and taking a multi-agency approach in this. Issues discussed include challenges around escalation (when to escalate, to whom, and what to do when no escalation processes exist). Also covered is the challenge when supporting an adult who chooses not to engage - particularly where capacity and choice exists.

Title page of report

Learning Review (informal): L22 (Perth and Kinross)

This informal learning review is based on findings from the 2022 Adult Support and Protection joint inspection in Perth and Kinross. Issues covered in this review include emotionally unstable personality disorder (EUPD), self-harm, multi-agency working, recording, and trauma-informed practice.

Cover of report

ASPire 2024: ASP Learning Reviews (Care Inspectorate)

This video, from the ASPire 2024 conference, sets out the key messages from Adult Support and Protection Learning Reviews. This includes common factors leading to a Learning Review, most prominent types of harm, and how Learning Reviews impact practice. Implications for ASP improvement across Scotland are considered.

Learning from Learning Reviews: Mr D (Aberdeen)

This one-page briefing highlights the main learning points from the case of Mr D. This person was deemed to be at serious risk of harm as a result of multiple missing person episodes. Concerns in this case related to information sharing, hospital discharge, and assessment/management of risk. The briefing can be used by other areas to reflect on their own practice.

Image of Learning Review Mr D briefing

Learning from Learning Reviews: Ms A (Aberdeen)

This one-page briefing highlights the main learning points from the case of Ms A., an 87 year-old woman. Concerns in this case related to domestic abuse, coercive control, professional curiosity, and mental capacity. The briefing can be used by other areas to reflect on their own practice.

Ms A Learning Review

Learning Review toolkit (Aberdeen)

A Learning Review is a multi-agency review process. It aims to reflect, increase understanding and identify key learning in Adult Support and Protection. In order to support effective Learning Reviews, Aberdeen Adult Protection Committee have created this suite of resources. They are designed to help all those involved in conducting Learning Reviews.

The toolkit contains:

Logo of Aberdeen Adult Protection Committee

The ASPire Hub is a place for everyone working in Adult Support and Protection in Scotland to access and share resources. It is regularly updated and we welcome feedback and new additions!