Our structure
We are a team of thirteen designers, facilitators, researchers, co-ordinators and development leads with an annual income of around £800k/annum.
Our business
We work with people, teams and organisations to make social work and social care work better for the people it supports. Further information about our current work.
We operate primarily in Scotland and our supply chains include sourcing of professional staff; sourcing of goods and services; and sourcing of consultancy and advice.
We will not tolerate slavery and human trafficking and expect everyone who works with us, and all of those in our supply chain to have the same approach.
Where we become aware of breaches of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 or the Human Trafficking and Exploitation Act (Scotland) 2015 we will take appropriate and decisive action.
The CEO and management team are responsible for compliance across the organisation and staff have a role to support this.
To enable this we:
- Comply with all legislative and regulatory requirements in respect of recruitment.
- Promote our whistle blowing policy to staff, so that they can raise any modern slavery or human trafficking related (and other) concerns in a protected way.
- Consider modern slavery and human trafficking factors when making procurement decisions.
- Regularly review partners and suppliers and other parties we engage with to check their compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the Human Trafficking and Exploitation Act (Scotland) 2015.
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes a slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending March 2024.
Dee Fraser
Chief Executive Officer