Improvement Service

Mental health and trauma-informed practice: Companion document

This document supports all those in the workforce who are working with people affected by mental health difficulties. It aims to strengthen awareness and understanding of trauma-informed practice. The document provides context, key messages and practice-focused reflective questions to help people work in a trauma-informed way that recognises the nature, prevalence and impact of poor mental health and experiences of trauma.

Cover image of companion document

Alcohol and drug use and trauma-informed practice: Companion document

This document is designed to support all professionals working with people affected by alcohol/drug use and/or their families. It aims to strengthen awareness and understanding about trauma-informed practice. Each section provides guidance for how professionals supporting people affected by alcohol/drug use can do so in a trauma-informed way. It supports recognising the prevalence and impact of trauma for people, and the impact of trauma on people’s recovery journeys.

Cover of companion document

Domestic abuse and trauma-informed practice: Companion document

This document supports all professionals working with women, children and young people affected by domestic abuse, and/or perpetrators. It aims to strengthen awareness and understanding about trauma-informed and domestic abuse-informed practice. Each section provides guidance for how professionals supporting women, children and young people affected by domestic abuse and/or perpetrators can do so in a trauma-informed way that recognises the nature, prevalence and impact of domestic abuse.

Cover of companion document

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