Andy Archer

Plan for prevention - prompt cards

Preventing loneliness and social isolation for older people

Cards that prompt people to think about preventative approaches to maintain and build social and community connections for older people.

Short. Sharp. And to the point.

I love full stops.
I think they're brilliant.
Here's why.
They help me convey messages.
Explain my ideas.
And make important points.
Quickly. Easily. Clearly.
They make type look good.
On a screen. And in print.
They do away with long-winded paragraphs. Wordy documents.
Boring blogs.
And stop me rambling on.
They help me write in a punchy way.
Say one thing well.
So my copy is quick to read.
And easy to digest.
Look how fast you've rattled through this.

Feed your mind at lunchtime

As I pondered the theme for my first Creative Bite, the name sparked a thought.

How come most workers don’t make the most of their lunch breaks?

Why do so many people just grab a quick bite, return to their desks, then carry on working through?

After a few clicks on Google, it seems only one in five people have lunch away from their desks.

I’m not sure how accurate this is, but having worked in quite a few offices it seems about right to me.

Which, when you think about it, is more work sandwiched between work and even more work.