The Promise in rural areas

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A lunchtime webinar exploring how we meet the promise’s vision for how we care for experienced children and young people in Scotland's rural areas. It looked at:

  • The ways the promise is shaping social work practice, work across services and approaches to ensuring the voices and experiences of children, young people and families are at the heart of what we do? 
  • How Plan 24-30, launched in June, can help us in our journey towards the promise’s vision for  2030? What needs adding to it, particularly in the context of work alongside children and families in rural settings? 

Our speaker

Tom Boyd is part of the team at The Promise Scotland. He supports work taking place across the North of Scotland to keep the promise, and chairs the Northern Promise Collaborative and the Community of Practice for Siblings Planning Group. He has worked alongside the Care Community for 20 years, including within the Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration and at Who Cares? Scotland.

Rural Social Work Forum (Scotland)

Events in this webinar series are put together by the Rural Social Work (Scotland) Forum, with partners from Iriss, Scottish Association of Social Work (SASW), University of the West of Scotland, Lancaster University, and with representation from Highland, Dumfries and Galloway Council, Orkney, the Western Isles, Argyll & Bute. It is also supported by SSSC and Social Work Scotland.

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