Congratulations to the five teams that have been selected to take part in the Relationships Matter JAM. Teams are from: Care Visions, Falkirk Council, Hot Chocolate Trust, Includem and Kibble.
As part of the application process, practitioners had to describe the barriers they encountered when working with young people. A number of these have been selected for the JAM.
The barriers these teams will respond to at the JAM are:
- Workers feeling judged if they choose to remain in contact with young people when they leave a service
- Workers not knowing if they are allowed to offer ongoing relational support
- Getting love right for every young people - what does love look like in a professional context?
- Understanding and enacting the boundaries of professional and personal relationships
- Supporting young people to have confidence to continue to seek support when they experience difficulties in life.
For further information about these barriers and the questions each team will respond to at the JAM, please visit the Relationships Matter.
If you have any questions about this project, please contact Gayle Rice.