Change the frame: journeys out of homelessness

Published in News on 29 Apr 2016

The resources from Change the frame, a two-year project led by Iriss in collaboration with a range of partners to explore homelessness in Scotland, have been published.

The project had two distinct phases. The first phase (Pathways and Prevention), which ran during 2014-15, focused on perceptions of and approaches to innovation in homelessness prevention. Based on the learning from this, the second phase, in 2015-16, focused on peer approaches where people with lived experience of homelessness undertake roles to help others affected by it. In phase two, the project team included a person with lived experience of homelessness.

The resources for both phases are available on the Change the frame project website. These include case studies, personal stories of lived experience, an evidence summary, key messages from field research, audio recorded discussions, and guidelines for designing services which include peer approaches.