Following scoping activity in 2018, we're very pleased to be working with East Ayrshire HSCP again in 2019/20 to explore recording practice from a cross-service perspective.
Through a series of three workshops, practitioners from across the HSCP are being supported to identify and test changes in their recording practice and make recommendations on how good practice can be embedded. The workshops are using creative and appreciative methods to facilitate learning and dialogue with colleagues from other services within the partnership.
The first workshop in November brought people together to unpack the core elements of case recording and start to clarify where approaches and perspectives connect or diverge across services. We grounded this with personal experiences of recording practice, reflecting on how we record our own lives before collectively exploring priorities for case recording. Practitioners then identified an element of practice that they wanted to try out doing differently in the time period before the next workshop.
Workshops two and three will build on this approach of test, reflect and review to identify personal, cultural and structural assets that support effective and meaningful recording practice. In addition to project outputs of recommendations and internal learning for East Ayrshire HSCP, Iriss will produce a toolkit that other social services Partnerships can use to make improvements to recording practice through an appreciative and practitioner-led approach. We’ll continue to update on emerging learning from the workshops as the project progresses.
In order to embed this project within the broader Scottish context of social services recording practice, records access and management, Iriss is keen to speak with other Partnerships or agencies taking forward work in this area. If you’d like to discuss where our work might align, please contact Project Manager, Louise Bowen.