Over the winter, our recording practice project with East Ayrshire HSCP has been working with practitioners from different services and agencies across the partnership.
Together we’ve moved through two cycles of test, reflect, review in which practitioners identified aspects of their case notes recording what they wanted to do differently. Examples have included: taking a team approach to changing use of jargon; writing up analysis and decision-making; and trying out different aspects of ‘writing forward’ to support the experience of the future reader.
This has led to productive group discussions within and across service groups, gaining insight into what works well for practitioners already, as well as understanding how small changes can have a positive impact on day to day practice. We’ve also uncovered differences, shared challenges and expectations about recording practice and collectively identified core elements of what ‘great recording’ might look like.
It has been a pleasure to work with project participants who have engaged so actively in collaborative learning and practice development.
We’ll be sharing more detailed learning from the project shortly, as well as launching our new recording practice tool that’s based on this East Ayrshire work and our wider research. To stay informed about these outputs sign up to our newsletter, and to get in touch about anything connected to this project, contact Louise Bowen.