We’re delighted to see the publication of Transforming services for people using digital technology. This work, commissioned by Scottish Government and the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA), was developed in collaboration with stakeholders across the health and social care sector. It supports the ambitions of the Digital Health and Care Strategy (2018).
We interviewed a wide range of partners at the outset to gain an in-depth understanding of their experiences of service transformation, and a dedicated workshop was held to sense check emerging findings of the project and to develop the contents of its final report.
The report presents the background, approach and findings of the project and offers a series of priorities and principles aimed at helping the development of collaborative ways forward. Overall, what was evident from this research project was a shared understanding about the importance of transformation and the potential offered by digital technology to improve the experiences of both citizens accessing and staff working in health, social care, social services and housing.
It was completed immediately prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, and maps programmes as seen before the acceleration of service transformation that has represented an important element of the response to the virus. Its findings provide a picture of service transformation taken before Covid-19, and as such, represent an important evidence base as we look ahead to recovery and renewal.