Today we launch a new online learning resource – Working Together in Adult Support and Protection – which supports the participation of adults and carers throughout the Adult Support and Protection process.
It is the first of three learning resources developed in partnership with the National Adult Protection Coordinator for Scotland (NAPC) that Iriss will release over the course of the summer.
This resource is a completely updated version of a handbook from 2011, Working Together in Adult Support and Protection, developed by Altrum and the University of Stirling (originally hosted by the Thistle Foundation). We are grateful to all who contributed to its development. The original project was co-produced with people who access services, and they were involved at every stage from inception to production of materials.
In addition, this new version features extra material from adults and carers. Everyone involved in this project – whether the original version, or this update – wished to share their experiences in order to make things better for others going through the Adult Support and Protection system.
The resource
Participation means that people accessing services are involved in their own care, support, and protection, and that any decisions made about them are shared with them and their carers.
Successful participation needs to be underpinned by understanding, trust, and supportive relationships. As professionals, this is likely to involve being flexible and open-minded, and the resource encourages you to reflect on this. Visual tools can make the most of a person’s communication strengths, and there are a number of tools and innovative methods in this resource for you to download, print and use in direct work with adults and carers.
The four parts to the resource – Listening, The Journey, Meetings That Work, and Getting On With Life – reflect the wide range of skills, techniques and reflection covered.
You can work through the resource at your own pace and in your own time, stopping to gather your thoughts at the various reflective points embedded in the resource.