Scotland’s ambition is ‘to be the best place in the world to grow up – a place where children ‘grow up loved, safe, and respected and realise their full potential’. But how can Scotland love its most vulnerable children and give them the childhood they deserve?
The Independent Care Review resulted in The Promise – a new approach, and vision that sets out a collective ambition that enables loving, supportive and nurturing relationships as a basis on which to thrive.
Join us for a webinar on 13 October (1-2pm) that will explore what The Promise means for rural social workers and for care experienced people across the whole life span.
Speakers include Brian Houston, Head of Support at The Promise Scotland and former social worker and senior social worker in children's services; and Mandy Sheridan, Service Improvement Officer with Argyll and Bute HSCP. They will explore the opportunities and challenges in a rural context.