Embed writing analysis training in your practice

Published in News on 14 Nov 2022

Our Writing Analysis in Social Care online course was launched in 2021 to support practitioners improve the writing of analysis in social work and social care records. It grew out of the recording practice project that we led with East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership. 

We're now seeking social work teams who want to embed writing analysis training into their practice. You might be considering how you do this as part of staff induction or team training, and we can help.

The course has been well received by practitioners and those supporting learning. Here's some of the things people have said about it:

"The session helped bring all the aspects of analysis together and the overall perspective was helpful.  I feel more confident to include it in whatever writing I am doing."
"My confidence has grown. I feel I can take the time to think about a visit for example and make a list of what I want to record and how. I take time to consider what I want to include in my assessments and case notes."

If you're interested in this support, please email Josie Vallely: josie.vallely@iriss.org.uk