Imagining the future
What's next for Scotland's social services? An animated exploration.
The Arts and Social Care
A visual story
Culture change - what is it all about?
Creative storyboard based on Insight 17
Creative storyboard based on Insight 17 - Culture change in the public sector - written by Michelle Drumm (Iriss). It depicts how organisational culture change can be enabled and sustained and offers some evidence for how culture change happened in the Highlands in relation to the Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) Highlands Pathfinder programme.
How action research can help to deliver better services (video)
Creative storyboard
This storyboard (animated video) aims to explain what action research is and how it can help to improve public services. It uses the example of Cedar (Children experiencing domestic abuse recovery) to talk through how action research can be useful and offers some hints and tips for those thinking about undertaking action research themselves.
Measuring personal outcomes: Challenges and strategies (video storyboard)
Creative storyboard of Iriss Insight 12
This storyboard (animated video) provides a visual, engaging summary of Iriss Insight 12, written by Dr Emma Miller, Honorary Senior Research Associate at Glasgow School of Social Work. It considers some of the challenges of measuring outcomes and emerging responses to these.