
Using evidence for change

A collection of papers detailing an evidence into action scoping methodology

A collection of papers detailing an evidence into action scoping methodology.

Distributed leadership in early years and childcare

ESSS Outline

Explores distributed approaches to leadership in the context of childcare and early years settings. It provides some background to Scottish policy priorities and principles of leadership and distributed approaches.

It's Co-production Week 2017

As part of celebrating Co-production Week 2017, Josie Vallely (Project Manger at Iriss) reflects on the potential of co-production to distribute power.

Culture change - what is it all about?

Creative storyboard based on Insight 17

Creative storyboard based on Insight 17 - Culture change in the public sector - written by Michelle Drumm (Iriss). It depicts how organisational culture change can be enabled and sustained and offers some evidence for how culture change happened in the Highlands in relation to the Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) Highlands Pathfinder programme.

Creating a culture of innovation

Final report of the Creating a Culture of Innovation project

Report that provides an overview and analysis of activities undertaken by Iriss - insights that have been gathered over the course of the Creating a Culture of Innovation project and a review of literature on encouraging creativity within organisations.

Culture, change and community justice

Research soundbite

Professor Fergus McNeill discusses a literature review of the management of change within community justice organisations, conducted with Ros Burnett and Tricia McCulloch. The review explored:

Rising to the challenge: Where can ideas come from?

Embracing change

At Iriss, we believe that ideas are an integral part of everyday life, and that you can generate them by bringing different people together, and helping them to consider issues from a new angle, to look at them in a different way.

How do you create the right conditions for innovation?

Embracing change

There are a number of conditions that can be created by managers and leaders that can create a favourable climate for innovation to flourish. However, innovative organisations can, and do, look very different. For example:

The Linux movement has been described as a 'revolution' sweeping the software world. It describes a group of dedicated software hackers who, in their spare time, created an open operating system.

Embracing change

Five guides on the topic of innovation in social services in Scotland

These guides aim to explore how you can approach innovation in your social services organisation, embracing the change that presents, and managing the risks that ensue.