Housing, wellbeing and COVID-19 Iriss Outline Examines how housing quality has affected people's wellbeing during the pandemic. Published in Outlines on 1 Feb 2021
Social isolation, loneliness and older people ESSS Outline Explores some of the less commonly included evidence from systematic reviews and literature reviews on age and social isolation. Published in Outlines on 25 Jun 2018
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): educational interventions ESSS Outline Explores the evidence around Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), their impact on educational outcomes and what interventions may be effective. Published in Outlines on 23 Apr 2018
Parental substance misuse and social worker intervention ESSS Outline Explores the impact of parental substance misuse on children and identifies evidence around effective methods of intervention for social workers. Published in Outlines on 17 Nov 2017