
Values statements of disability organisations

ESSS Outline

Looks at how the diverse needs of disabled people can be addressed in an organisation’s values statement. It also summarises evidence on the values that can support the workforce in delivering quality disability services, and how these values can be integrated in the third sector.

Distributed leadership in early years and childcare

ESSS Outline

Explores distributed approaches to leadership in the context of childcare and early years settings. It provides some background to Scottish policy priorities and principles of leadership and distributed approaches.

Culture change - what is it all about?

Creative storyboard based on Insight 17

Creative storyboard based on Insight 17 - Culture change in the public sector - written by Michelle Drumm (Iriss). It depicts how organisational culture change can be enabled and sustained and offers some evidence for how culture change happened in the Highlands in relation to the Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) Highlands Pathfinder programme.

Knowledge management in practice - Charlene Tait

Interview with Charlene Tait, development director, Scottish Autism

In this short video, new Iriss Champion, Charlene Tait, describes the process of sharing knowledge to improve practice within Scottish Autism.

This forms part of the Iriss evidence informed practice case study series designed to help practitioners share their experiences of using different types of evidence to change the delivery of services.

Leading for outcomes: a guide

Outcomes-focused practice

Leading for outcomes: a guide provides support and training materials for leading social services staff and those in related disciplines to practice in an outcomes-focused way. The guide is aimed at team leaders, managers and those in training roles. It is primarily addressed at those working in adult social care.

More about Leading for outcomes