Iriss can help get it out of your way.
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Iriss will shortly be conducting a national sector-wide workforce survey to find out how social workers experience racism and what anti-racist actions are being taken to eliminate it…
News 11 Sep
Iriss is proud to announce the launch of the ASPire Hub. It’s a place where everyone working in Adult Support and Protection can find and share resources.
News 28 Aug
A lunchtime webinar exploring how we meet the promise’s vision for how we care for experienced children and young people in Scotland's rural areas.
Events 26 Aug
Iriss is working with a mix of strategic and local partners to co-design a better and more joined up approach across Scotland to hoarding…
Supporting people who hoard 09 Sep
Back in 2009, I was a fresh faced researcher, working as an intern in the Office of the Chief Researcher in the Scottish Government. I was at an event listening to…
Inside Iriss 27 Aug
Having been working on Voice and Visions for nearly six months, it is safe to say we have heard a lot about the third sector social work student placement world;…
Voices and visions: collaborating for improved third sector social work student placements 23 Aug
A tool to assist evidence-informed commissioning of sustainable social support for epilepsy that meets local need and contributes to national outcomes…
Tools 2024
This toolkit is for anyone who is part of the social care workforce who wants to deliver best practice to African Diaspora children and families…
Contains a project planning workbook, a guide to planning co-production projects and a suite of Iriss facilitation tools.
Tools 2018