
Chronologies are crucial in Adult Support and Protection. Setting out key events in sequential date order, they give a summary timeline of an adult's circumstances, patterns of behaviour and trends in lifestyle. They are a logical, methodical and systematic means of organising, merging and helping make sense of information. Chronologies also help to highlight gaps that require further exploration, investigation and assessment. The resources in this category are a selection of tools, templates, reports and guidance that will help improve ASP chronology practice.

Leading chronology improvement: Podcast (Moray / Iriss)

This podcast is a conversation between Vicki Low (Moray) and Ellen Daly (Iriss). Vicki talks to Ellen about the improvement work she led around chronologies. Topics covered include getting started, impact, messaging and measurement, and gaining support.

Image of arrows going up a screen, with one flying away

Leading chronology improvement: Reflection and self-assessment tool

This tool aims to help leaders assess their current understanding of and practices related to chronologies. Challenges with chronologies are complex and connected, so this tool supports leaders to recognise readiness for change and find a place to start. It will support leaders to identify incremental, manageable changes and take meaningful actions for improvement. The tool poses questions across a number of themes to support reflection and help leaders think through the supports and barriers in their own context. It also offers prompts from research and ideas for activities.

Image of arrows pointing upwards, with one moving away

Improving chronology practice in Adult Support and Protection: Case studies

Following the report Chronologies in Adult Support and Protection: Moving from current to best, these case studies highlight good practice. They cover changes in the system (recording, training, guidance, analysis, risk assessment), exploring these as levers to affect change. By sharing these examples (and building more over time), the intent is inspire others to try different approaches to chronologies.

Fingers on a keyboard

Chronologies in Adult Support and Protection: moving from current to best

Chronologies are consistently identified across inspection reports and reviews of Adult Support and Protection activity as an area for improvement. This report scopes the existing research on chronologies, including joint inspection reports, collated initial case reviews and significant case reviews as well as individual significant case reviews. Furthermore, interviews and a survey were used to collect views and experiences from a range of stakeholders.

Cover image of publication

Chronology guidance (Renfrewshire)

This guidance provides organisations and practitioners in Renfrewshire with information to support the effective Adult Support and Protection chronology practice. This includes initiation, maintenance and application of single agency and/or a multi–agency integrated chronology. It also includes guidance on what should be in a chronology, some do's and don'ts, and information sharing. Templates are included.

Front cover of guidance

Chronologies: templates and guides (Pan Lothian Partnership)

A chronology is a record of significant events, recorded in the order they occur. Events may be either positive or negative, but they reveal patterns of behaviour, and their impact on an individual’s life. This suite of resources, developed by the Pan Lothian Partnership, offers templates and guides to creating effective chronologies.


Chronologies quick guide

Chronologies guidance

Key messages on chronologies

Template (single agency)

Template (multi-agency)

Logo for Pan-Lothian Partnership

Joint chronologies common approach: Evaluation report (Pan Lothian Partnership)

The Pan Lothian chronologies working group was established by NHS Lothian in collaboration with NHS National Services Scotland in 2018. This evaluation report covers their work in developing, testing, and implementing a chronologies tool. Key findings on improving work in chronologies include: the importance of a collaborative and multi-agency approach; realism about timescales; a shared commitment to improving consistency; and a willingness to embrace new ways of working. The report also covers challenges and recommendations for future chronologies work.

Pan Lothian Partnership logo

The ASPire Hub is a place for everyone working in Adult Support and Protection in Scotland to access and share resources. It is regularly updated and we welcome feedback and new additions!