Kerry Musselbrook

Developing peer support: from acorns to trees

Reflections on the journey

Last year we worked with Future Pathways, Voices for a Better Future and the Scottish Recovery Network to look at how we might co-design peer support for care survivors supported by Future Pathways.  If you aren't familiar with the term care survivors, it refers to people abused or neglected as children in the Scottish care system.

Peer support was something that care survivors had already identified that they wanted, to enhance what they were already receiving through individual support coordination, to help improve their own lives (and, of course, others).

UNCRC comes into force

Yesterday marked the commencement of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into Scots law recognising children’s rights. We want to celebrate this landmark with others. For some the work has already begun, for others it is about to really get going. We'd like to share some resources that focus on this historic development for the rights of children and young people. 

People at the heart of positive change

East Lothian Champs


How can we mainstream the involvement of people with lived experience in social work and social care - to drive improvement, generate positive change, and do it all in a meaningful and effective way?

Adult Support and Protection: everyone's business

Adult Support and Protection (ASP) is designed to support and protect adults who are unable to safeguard themselves, their property and their rights. The Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007 (ASPA) both defines and provides the legislation framework for all of this work. This report aims to raise awareness of ASP and its important role and contribution in keeping ‘adults at risk’ safe…

Stories of everyday leadership

Four stories from the emerging workforce

Four stories that beautifully illustrate what everyday leadership looks like from the frontline - and the difference it can make to the lives of people that are supported.