Working with African Diaspora Families: launching our toolkit

Our supportive toolkit for the workforce has launched!
Published in Working with African families on 2 Feb 2024

Earlier this week, we launched our toolkit for social work and social care practitioners, ‘Working with African Diaspora Families.’ We have been working in partnership with Passion4Fusion since April 2023, to imagine and create this resource. Along the design process, we’ve had invaluable input from social workers, to inform and shape the resource. The launch event was our opportunity to share the physical toolkit with the workforce; the culmination of hard work, knowledge and understanding, brought together in one neat and handy folder! 

Having the chance to come together; and to see social workers and practitioners engage with the tools, and hearing how they could use them practically - even how the tools might be made better - was a real high point of this project for all of us. Those that joined us for the launch were the first practitioners to try out the resource, and it was brilliant to hear their feedback. 

Feedback from workshop participants

A lot people shy away from questions around race and culture but I think
it’s around a lack of knowledge… these questions are great, I think they are
thought provoking… they’re facilitating and interesting.

We all have our own biases and thoughts when we work with other communities…
it’s quite good to check where we stand in terms of working with families from diverse communities.

It’s about finding that strength within [families] and building on that.
And I think some of these questions will really support practitioners
to think in that mindset… it is a really good conversation starter with families,
but alongside that, for reflective practice within the team.



If you weren’t able to join us on the day, you haven’t missed the chance to join us as some of the first practitioners to come with us in this changemaking story!

We know that distance, time and space in the diary can make it challenging to attend events in person, and so we are extending the opportunity to view and try out the toolkit at an online event. If you would like to join us, please get in touch with Hannah for more information. We look forward to hearing from you!

If you’ve read about this project, and think you have an idea you’d like to explore with Iriss, find more information about being our partner in change here.