Personal Outcomes

Evaluating social prescribing

Insight 55

Provides a review of the research methods and approaches used to evaluate UK-based social prescribing interventions in recent years. It gives an overview of how social prescribing has been evaluated, and what can be learned from this.

Outcomes & CO

conversation openers

A tool that provides a framework for open, honest conversations about personal outcomes.

Delivering integrated care and support

Insight 24

Based on a report prepared for ADSW at the time of the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Bill, this Insight seeks to distill key evidence to assist health and social care partnerships in Scotland in their delivery of integrated care and support.

Understanding and measuring outcomes

The role of qualitative data

This guide has been developed to support the collection and use of personal outcomes data. Personal outcomes data refers to information gathered from people supported by health and social services and their unpaid carers about what's important to them in their lives and the ways in which they would like to be supported.

Measuring personal outcomes: Challenges and strategies (video storyboard)

Creative storyboard of Iriss Insight 12

This storyboard (animated video) provides a visual, engaging summary of Iriss Insight 12, written by Dr Emma Miller, Honorary Senior Research Associate at Glasgow School of Social Work. It considers some of the challenges of measuring outcomes and emerging responses to these.