This is where it starts (2013)

Learning from eight case studies of work with children and parents in the early years (pre-birth to eight years old). The case studies are based on in-depth interviews with those working with children and parents in the early years to uncover what professionals perceive supports positive outcomes, early intervention and prevention.

SCMA Community Childminding Service

This is Where it Starts

Case study eight. This case study has been added to the This is Where it Starts case study collection, a collection of case studies on work with children and parents in early years. This case study has been written by Anne Condie, Head of Childminding Services, with support from Iriss.

The Dads' Group

This is Where it Starts

This case study is part of This is Where it Starts, a collection of eight case studies on work with children and parents in early years. Case study five.


The Douglas Family Support Centre in Dundee provides a variety of services to children and their families. These services may include assessment, contact, developmental and educational work, and work with parents to support them in their parenting role.

Change is a Must (CIAM)

This is where it starts

Change Is a Must (CIAM) was developed in response to the local and national focus on early years, early intervention, and the increase in numbers of children on the Child Protection Register who are affected by parental substance misuse. CIAM reflects priority areas within Perth and Kinross Single Outcome Agreement, as well as national policy.

Castlemilk Family Learning Centre

This is where it starts

Castlemilk Family Learning Centre provides care and education to children from birth to five years old (pre-school) and has capacity for 74 full time places. It is open 52 weeks a year.

Midlothian Sure Start

This is where it starts

Midlothian Sure Start, a third sector organisation which aims to give young children (from pre-birth to 11 years) the best possible start. A range of services are provided through six centres and on an outreach basis within the semi-rural community. Project users including families with young children are provided with holistic support.

Corsehill Nursery

This is where it starts

Corsehill Nursery, part of Corsehill Primary School in Kilwinning. The school already provided a nursery for children from three to five years old. In 2007 North Ayrshire Council used funding from Scottish Government to pilot a project within the school to provide care for vulnerable children under three.

Aberlour Bridges

This is where it starts

Aberlour Bridges is an early intervention model aiming to break cycles of poverty and deprivation and tackle the long-term cost implications of under-achievement. The overall aim of the service is to develop and deliver interventions with parents, carers and children in order to improve children's educational, health and wellbeing outcomes

This is where it starts

Eight case studies of work with children and parents in the early years

Learning from eight case studies of work with children and parents in the early years (pre-birth to eight years old).