Find Me Good Care

Published in Features on 30 Apr 2012

The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) is developing a website that will help people to make choices about care. It will cover all types of care and support for adults including regulated and unregulated services in England, and will provide links to specialist websites, including local services, specialist and independent financial advisers.

Due to go live in the summer 2012, Find Me Good Care is being developed in consultation with people who use care services, care providers and local authorities. The website will guide people through comprehensive information about care options and choices such as: what constitutes good care, what choices can be made, the role of the local authority, and paying for care. It will allow users to save and edit information from the site so that they can build up a picture of the care and support they require.

Functionality will include the ability to search a directory of services, and shortlist and compare a range of service providers. It will also provide a guide to choosing and paying for care and an interactive guide about options and choices regarding all adults' care and support services. Three types of information will be available about each service: information from the Care Quality Commission, information written by the care provider, and feedback provided by people who use the service. SCIE will use its knowledge about what works to moderate the feedback to ensure that individuals and organisations are treated fairly.

Currently, individuals can register their interest in the website to keep informed about developments and be notified when the site goes live.

To register an interest in Find Me Good Care
