Social Welfare at the British Library
It is argued that welfare reform will have a significant impact on benefit claimants and the supports that vulnerable people in society receive. Access to quality and consistent information will be important in ensuring that people are prepared for the changes that will ensue.
Info 4 Care Kids
Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE), with the support of Voice, the Who Cares Trust and the Fostering Network, has produced a website that informs looked-after children and young people on what care, supports and choices are available to them. Info 4 Care Kids has been developed in partnership with children and young people, so the voices of these individuals underpin the shape and content of the resource.
Social services information landscape
In today's information rich world finding your way around can be daunting and you can easily become disoriented or lost. Here is quick guide.
Find Me Good Care
The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) is developing a website that will help people to make choices about care. It will cover all types of care and support for adults including regulated and unregulated services in England, and will provide links to specialist websites, including local services, specialist and independent financial advisers.
Knowledge for practice
Ian Watson from the Scottish Institute for Excellence in Social Work Education and Nada Savitch from the Social Care Institute for Excellence explain how they are working together to enable social care staff to access the knowledge they need.