Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE), with the support of Voice, the Who Cares Trust and the Fostering Network, has produced a website that informs looked-after children and young people on what care, supports and choices are available to them. Info 4 Care Kids has been developed in partnership with children and young people, so the voices of these individuals underpin the shape and content of the resource.
Time and thought has been put into the design of the website - the homepage is welcoming and colourful, and uses animated videos to engage viewers. There are six main sections of information: making changes; keeping in touch; my health; my choices; my education; and living by yourself. Each section is consistent in its appearance, and features an introductory video to the topic, which is supported by key information on that particular subject. As an example, the making changes section has an animated video of a young person speaking about the challenges of being in care, and then provides some case studies of other children explaining what it was like being in care and what helped them. It also includes information on choices around changes and how to deal with them. For those embarking on living alone, there's some helpful information provided on how much help will be made available, including information on how to pay the bills and rights and entitlements, budgeting and planning and life skills.
There is also a question and answer section, which covers topics such as parental responsibility, care orders, review meetings and care plans. Feedback and suggested content is encouraged and can be directed to
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