Learning with Care, published by by HM Inspectors of Schools and the Social Work Service Inspectorate in 2001, highlighted the importance of improving the learning and development opportunities for those working with looked after children and care leavers. The Learning with Care training materials were developed and launched in 2003.
In 2007, the Scottish Government published 'Looked after children and young people: We can and must do better', which highlighted the need to improve the learning and development for everyone who works with Scotland's looked-after children and care leavers. Recognising that the original Learning With Care training materials had been well received, the Scottish Government committed to updating the materials to reflect the aspirations of We Can and Must Do Better. The We Can and Must Do Better training materials were originally produced on a DVD-ROM in 2008.
CELCIS has reviewed and updated these materials to reflect current research and Scottish policy and practice around:
- Getting It Right for Every Child
- Curriculum for Excellence
- Additional support for learning
- The Looked After Children Regulations 2009
- Early years
- Parenting
The resources are relevant to anyone working with looked after children, care leavers and their families; in particular residential workers, foster carers, kinship carers, teachers, social workers and health professionals.
There are 20 different units with course suggestions, as well as presentations, group activities, videos and reading materials to design and create your own course. They can be combined in different ways to create courses of different lengths and for different audiences. Each unit consists of trainer's notes with suggested activities linked to presentations, handouts and supporting videos and documents.
Registration is required to access the full range of materials, but all of them are downloadable and can be used independently of the website.
Visit We can and Must Do Better.