It's SDS Awareness Week! Read the latest on Pilotlight

Published in News on 13 Jun 2016

It's SDS Awareness Week (#SDSBlether) so we want you to know the latest about our Pilotlight project.

Pilotlight is working with co-design teams of people who use and deliver services across Scotland to design pathways to self-directed support.

Using a design approach, Pilotlight aims to demonstrate how to design support for seldom heard groups, provide more personalised and appropriate services and increase the marketplace of support providers.

Pilotlight Ageing Well co-designed a self-directed support pathway and resources for older people living in East Renfrewshire. The co-design team was made up of older people with dementia, their carers, health and social care practitioners and independent information and support providers. The team met to design together each month from September 2015 to April 2016.

Key learning points are that (a) older people are assets to their communities (b) mapping and sharing community assets is crucial (c) health and social care workers should become skilled community connectors and (d) tackling transport barriers can reduce social isolation. Also that information given about self-directed support needs to be consistent. Option 2 could offer greater choice and control to older people for whom managing a direct payment is not possible. Replacing ‘time and task’ commissioning with annual budgets will release creativity and lead to better outcomes for older people.

Resources produced by the team include Inkwell portraits of the older people, an East Renfrewshire Community Asset Map, Community Connecting ABCD guide, a transport brief, an SDS Checklist for information providers, an 'Easy Steps' guide to Option 2 and learning materials to support 'Getting from Hours to Outcomes'.

We would love to hear how you are using the resources. Any feedback or requests for adaptations can be made by email to Judith Midgley or Josie Vallely.