Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month 2021

Published in News on 3 Jun 2021

Established in 2008, Gypsy Roma and Traveller History Month, provides an opportunity to raise awareness of the recognised minority ethnic communities and celebrate their contribution to society. 

With the Gypsy/Traveller community, we've created resources in relation to social work's role – with a focus on the need for culturally sensitive practice and public services. Our evidence summary, Gypsy Travellers: Human rights and social work's role sets out the context, experiences and challenges, and a case for best practice

A pictorial history was borne out of the evidence summary that sets out to tell the story of Gypsy Travellers in Scotland. Written by Shamus McPhee, it begins in the 10th century with their Indic origins and takes us right through to the present day.

In 2020, we had a conversation with Davie Donaldson, a Scottish Traveller and graduate of Aberdeen University who has an interest in culture and community relations and is the founder of Progress in Dialogue, a social enterprise. He tells us about Gypsy/Traveller history – the positives and negatives and how the history plays out in Gypsy/Traveller identity. 

View our full list of resources on Gypsy/Traveller communities

Later this month we will launch a resource authored by Davie Donaldson on Gypsy/Traveller intersectionality and strengthening the role of social work. 

Useful organisations and resources

Scottish Government strategy
BASW - with a focus on the theme #MakeSomeSpace
Scottish Human Rights Commission
Article 12
MECOPP- supporting minority ethnic carers
Stories of Health and Wellness (Wales) - full report and news-story
Hidden Treasures - Gypsy Traveller art, culture, history and heritage
Scotland's National Action Plan for Human Rights