Co-production Week (21-25 November) is about putting co-production into practice – bringing people together to share ideas, learning and stories about how co-production puts people and communities at the heart of the support and services they’re part of.
The Scottish Co-production Network is hosting the week and you can see all the events happening on its website. There are also links to resources.
Each year it's an opportunity for us to promote our Co-production Project Planner, which will help you do co-production and do it well. It's been around a while now, but is no less relevant or helpful.
Other resources available include a short definition of co-production and how it's been put into practice in the Govan Community Project. We also released a case study on co-producing cultural competency with the Roma community in Govanhill. Search our website to view all our resources.
Follow the week's activity at #CoProWeekScot