Co-production Project Planner

A resource to support co-production projects happen effectively
Published in Tools on 8 Jan 2018

New in 2019 - Project Springboard builds on the the work of the Co-production Project Planner.

Co-production is a process that creates change. It is a way of working with, rather than doing to, people and communities to achieve better outcomes.  

A co-production project sees people who access support as assets and builds on people’s existing capabilities. In addition, it breaks down the barriers between people who use services and professionals. Co-production projects are planned, developed and delivered by a group of people who have different backgrounds and interests. 

The outputs of a co-production process can be huge, such as services, processes and pathways, or small, such as a community hall’s furniture, a poster, a blog page. Done well, the co-production process can support organisations and individuals become agents for change. 

This free resource focuses on putting ideas into action. You don’t need to be an expert in co-production prior to planning a project. Work through the guide and see how you get on.  

Co-production project planner
Co-production project planner

The resource comprises:

  1. project planning workbook to take you from initial ideas to running co-production workshops
  2. guide to planning co-production projects
  3. suite of Iriss facilitation tools

We hope you enjoy using the resource. Download the tool in three parts from this page.

Project Springboard

Project Springboard builds on the work of the Co-production Project Planner which we released early 2018. It gives you bite-sized chunks of information on what to think about when in the initial stages of a project.

You don’t need to be an expert in co-production prior to planning a project. Work through the tool and see how you get on.

Project Springboard

The tool covers the following:

  • Project springboard- clarifying your idea, exploring power dynamics and thinking about timescales
  • Asset bank- what resources do you already have and what else do you need to find to complete your project?
  • Team builder- who do you need in your co-production team and how will you get them together?
  • Workshops that work-  thinking through your co-production sessions to make sure you get the most out of them

You may also like to follow the Making Co-production Happen blog by Josie Vallely. 

We're keen to know how it made a difference, so please provide us with your feedback.

Would you like to learn more?
We offer hosted sessions expanding on our tools and their use. Contact for more information.