With In Control Scotland (ICS), we are pleased to facilitate an online event on creative approaches to commissioning social care and support in collaboration with Highland Council. It will take place on 13 December (2-3.30pm).
When In Control Scotland published research into option two of self-directed support, it sparked a national conversation about commissioning that centred around a particular question: how can we maximise choice and control for people through commissioning?
At this event you will hear the experiences of NHS Highland and how they coproduced the ‘Highland Way’ of answering this question. It will also provide an opportunity to reflect and plan with facilitated tools and resources from Iriss’ Ethical Commissioning course.
Speakers include: Pauline Lunn, Director of In Control Scotland; Ian Thomson, NHS Highland’s Head of Service for Quality Assurance in Adult Social Care; Louise Bowen, Development Lead for Iriss; and Josie Vallely, Development Lead and Service Designer for Iriss.
This session is for anyone interested in change making in commissioning social care and support, particularly if you’re working in commissioning and procurement in HSCPs/ local authorities; provider organisations of social care and support; social work; and Integrated Joint Boards.