Recording dignity

Abbotsford Care and Iriss are working together to create functional recording paperwork that both prompts and captures the day-to-day dignity that care home staff provide to residents.

A family business, Abbotsford Care began in 1987 opening their first home on Milton Road, Kirkcaldy. They have developed services over the years, with care homes in Glenrothes, Kinglassie, East Wemyss, Cowdenbeath, Methil, Newburgh and Dunfermline. Abbotsford care acknowledges the importance of their staff in providing quality, person centred care for their residents. As part of that, the senior management team is committed to developing and improving the practice across the organisation, aiming to be a leader in providing care in the sector. Iriss is excited to partner with Abbotsford as they continue to strive for excellence in the delivery of care for their residents.

Closing thoughts

A reflection on our time working with Abbotsford Care

A few weeks ago, I headed out to Fife to round off our project with Abbotsford Care. The train journey across the Forth and through the East Coast countryside is a perfect setting for reflection. And so I did just that: a reflection on all the things I’d learned throughout this project; from what we aimed to create, what we had to adapt, and what came to light that we didn’t expect. 

How do we record dignity?

Thinking about how to make paperwork meaningful, with the team at Abbotsford Care.

Abbotsford Care partnered with Iriss to explore how their paperwork can prompt and record the dignity that care home staff provide everyday to their residents. They recognise that paperwork is better at recording the quantifiable elements of support; and doesn’t always capture the deeper ways that staff support residents, and the team at Abbotsford want to consider this challenge.