Reimagining social work practice

We’re excitied to start working with colleagues from North Ayrshire HSCP to support them as they reimagine more effective Social Work practice. We will work together to explore: 

  • Moving away from defining solutions through systems to defining them through individual’s aspirations and what cultures are needed to support this.
  • A different approach to the management and leadership of Social Work services within Mental Health and Learning Disabilities.
  • More impactful integrated services. 
  • An ethics of care framework that clearly articulates the principles and values of Social Work practice in North Ayrshire.
  • Defining and telling the story of Large Scale Change happening across the HSCP. 

Reimagining social work in North Ayrshire

Learning summary and report

Between May 2023 and February 2024, Iriss designed and facilitated four sessions for a project with North Ayrshire HSCP as part of our Space to Practice theme. The project aimed to explore what a reimagined social work in North Ayrshire might look like.

Practitioner Research with NQSWs in North Ayrshire HSCP

Benefits, challenges, ideas

Iriss and North Ayrshire HSCP colleagues met in Saltcoats in early November for a workshop about practitioner research. We were joined by newly qualified and student social workers plus a Practice Teacher from the Learning and Development team. Iriss is supporting other change work in the HSCP around commissioning and reimagining social work…

How do you feel about paperwork? 

If you're struggling to feel positively about paperwork, you'e not alone.

The photograph shows a collection of answers to the question 'How do you feel about paperwork?' The workshop participants answered with: 'the fear', 'stress', 'repeated', 'crap', 'repetitive'…

What's our change story?

Iriss & North Ayrshire HSCP

Iriss and North Ayrshire HSCP colleagues met in Irvine on the 30th August 2023 for a workshop, building on a previous session in May. The workshop was designed to support and network various pieces of improvement work happening across the HSCP and to help define this change story. 50 participants, including practitioners and managers from a range of service areas, attended the workshop. 

Reimagining social work

Kick-off workshop

Iriss and North Ayrshire HSCP colleagues met in Irvine on the 29th May for a kick-off workshop. Part of Iriss’s Space to Practice theme, the workshop was designed to provide a blend of presentation on key topics (innovation and ideas, Community Social Work, Local Area Coordination, ways to make change) and space for group reflection, discussion and planning…