Standalone projects

What we're working on outside of our current priority areas.

Finding hope

We've found hope for change in social support, through creating our commissioners toolkit 'Enabling Social Support for People with Epilepsy'

With funding from the Scottish Government, Quarriers, Epilepsy Connections and Epilepsy Scotland worked with Iriss to develop a national approach for commissioners to improve the availability of social support for people with an epilepsy diagnosis. Social support takes many forms, from peer support groups; to phone support from a national helpline; to formal counselling; or even taking part in activities organised by epilepsy organisations. 

From Clinic to Community

Support for people for people with epilepsy needs to go beyond meeting their clinical support needs.

In our work with Quarriers, Epilepsy Scotland and Epilepsy Connections, we’ve been talking with people who are living with epilepsy. We’ve heard how it impacts them, and what they need to support them to manage the condition. Epilepsy is a condition that impacts around 58 000 people in Scotland. It is one of the most common neurological conditions, and is lifelong.

Nothing comes for free?

A blog piece from one of our partners, Andrew Lindsay at Epilepsy Scotland

Guest blogger Andrew Lindsay from Epilepsy Scotland articulates the clash between the need for social support services, and the funding environment that surrounds them.

Social Support for People with Epilepsy

“We are people, we’re not just epilepsy … we can function but sometimes we have bad days"

Since April last year, we have been working with a collaborative of organisations supporting people in Scotland with epilepsy; Quarriers, Epilepsy Connections and Epilepsy Scotland. With 2023 just behind us, we’re reflecting on what we’ve learned through our work building a tool to inform and support commissioners about the need for social support for people with epilepsy.