Large scale investigations

An online learning resource
Published in Online learning materials on 11 Jul 2022

An online learning resource explaining the role of large scale investigations (LSIs) within the context of adult support and protection (ASP) practices in Scotland. 

The resource primarily consists of a series of video interviews with experts and professionals who share their knowledge and experience on a number of aspects around large scale investigations, and allows learners to record their own reflections on a number of suggested learning points.

The resource aims to provide learners with a greater understanding of the key tasks involved in carrying out an LSI, understand the ASP principles in the context of an LSI and other principles in relation carrying out an LSI, for example decision making, and understand the potential practice dilemmas and errors in carrying out an LSI. It will also aid in the understanding of the key differences between carrying out a singular investigation and an LSI, how to plan and structure an LSI, and develop additional knowledge of the relevant technical and legal concepts around contracts, contract law and reporting to third parties.

The target staff groups for this learning resource are council officers, managers of those undertaking LSIs, contract and procurement staff, care providers, nursing staff, GPs and allied health professionals.

Please note: Due to the sensitive nature of some of the material contained in this resource, access is restricted to those with a suitable professional interest in the subject, and will be restricted to those with appropriate local authority or NHS email addresses, or those from suitable associated organisations, only.  

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