Care home quality assurance in COVID-19

A review of care home quality assurance materials
Published in Reports on 13 Sep 2022

A review of care home quality assurance materials from 17 local authority areas in Scotland to understand how improvement is best supported during periods of acute crisis.

It draws out:

  • What was learned about how care homes were managing during the COVID-19 crisis
  • The local authority approaches to assurance and improvement 
  • Examples of creative practice and areas for development

Materials received from areas varied in type, depth and degree of analysis, so the findings and recommendations are indicative, rather than conclusive. 

This review was undertaken on the request of Scottish Government. Thanks to the Chief Social Work Officers (CSWOs) and HSCP/local authority who responded to our call for materials. This was during the height of the COVID-19 crisis and we recognise how hard it was to prioritise this when faced with the substantial service challenges at that time.