Creative storyboarding
A guide to creative storyboarding and animation
Published in
on 16 Nov 2016
A guide to creative storyboarding and animation
Insight 23
How we made Liam's story
Liam Robertson is 20 years old and has autism. He has a passion for film, attends Scottish Youth Theatre, works part-time in a Barnardo's shop in Glasgow and would like to pursue a career in the theatre.
A social worker explains how video can help us 'see beyond the disability'
"People with disabilities have all sort of skills and abilities and that's what needs to be promoted. We need to get beyond seeing the disability, and I think video's a really good way of doing it."
David Lettice is a social worker with East Renfrewshire Council. He became involved with Liam, a 20 year old man with autism, when his case was transferred from the transitions team to the integrated learning disability team, where David works.