
SASW Social Worker of the Year 2011: Sandy Watt (Part one)

Interview April 2012

At the end of March 2012, the Scottish Association of Social Work (SASW) awarded its annual Social Worker of the Year Award 2011 to Sandy Watt, mental health officer at North Lanarkshire Council.

At the award ceremony Sandy was described as "skilled, courteous, ethical and effective" in working with people with mental health challenges.

Consultation about children and young people's mental health indicators - Susan Elsley

Dr Susan Elsley, Policy and Research Consultant and part time Senior Research Fellow at CRFR, University of Edinburgh (January 2012)

Dr Susan Elsley talks about research commissioned by NHS Scotland, which aimed to contribute to the development of mental health indicators for children and young people in Scotland, which has recently been launched: mental health indicators for children.

Mental Health Care

The challenges associated with caring for someone who suffers with psychosis - a set of symptoms that include delusions, hallucinations and confused or disturbed thoughts - can be overwhelming. Psychosis is a symptom of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and schizoaffective disorder, and can also be a symptom of dementia, some forms of personality disorder, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease and other illnesses.

Interagency co-operation

Miles Rinaldi

Miles Rinaldi discusses how interagency co-operation is crucial to the successful vocational rehabilitation of those with mental health problems.

Behind the Headlines

Almost daily the broadcast and print media announce new evidence that, for example, doctors could spot autism earlier by observing how toddlers respond to cartoons or that there is a direct link between passive smoking and dementia. These reports seldom cite the source and, worse, often report the findings selectively or inaccurately.