Leading for outcomes

Leading for outcomes: integrated working, Part one

Defining what is meant by integrated working

What do we mean by integrated working

In any discussion of integrated working, a first prerequisite is that all parties define what they are talking about. Integrated working is one of those terms that has come to mean different things to different people so it is essential to ensure that everyone is talking about the same thing.

Leading for outcomes: integrated working, Part three

Practising and sustaining the outcomes-focused approach in integrated working

  • Identifying different types of outcomes
  • Achieving an outcomes-focused approach
  • Addressing the challenges of introducing an outcomes approach
  • Involving service users and carers in identifying outcomes
  • Sustaining an outcomes approach
  • Providing leadership for an outcomes-focused approach

The challenges of working in an outcomes-focused way in integrated working

Many people who receive support will be used to a service-

Leading for outcomes: integrated working, Part two

Understanding and promoting an outcomes-focused approach in integrated working

Outcomes are discussed fully in the parent guide (Leading for outcomes: a guide) and you may wish to refer to exercises 1 and 2 on pages 11-18 of that guide as an introduction to the outcome categories, the benefits of an outcomes-focused approach, and for an understanding of how this approach differs from a service-led approach. By outcomes we mean the impact of support on a person’s life, and not the outputs of services. Outcomes are the answer to the question: so what difference does it make? They are the changes or benefits for individuals whether as service users or informal/family carers.

Leading for outcomes: Integrated working


What is this guide?

This guide forms part of the Iriss Leading for Outcomes series. The guides are designed to support team leaders, managers and trainers to lead teams in the adoption and implementation of a personal outcomes-focused approach. The initial guide, Leading for outcomes: a guide, gives general evidence-based advice and support in leading this approach within the context of adult services.

Leading for outcomes: Children and young people

An outcomes-focused approach with children and young people

A practical tool for leaders to use with staff to promote understanding of an outcomes-focused approach with children and young people.

Leading for outcomes: Dementia

Exploring an outcomes-focused approach within the context of dementia

Leading for outcomes: dementia can be used in conjunction with Leading for outcomes: a guide. This guide seeks to explore how staff can be supported to effectively practice an outcomes-focused approach within the context of dementia. It provides information about dementia including key policies and legislation as well as signposts to other relevant resources.

Leading for outcomes: a guide

Outcomes-focused practice

Leading for outcomes: a guide provides support and training materials for leading social services staff and those in related disciplines to practice in an outcomes-focused way. The guide is aimed at team leaders, managers and those in training roles. It is primarily addressed at those working in adult social care.

More about Leading for outcomes