
Working with African Diaspora families

A supportive toolkit for the social care workforce

This toolkit is for anyone who is part of the social care workforce who wants to deliver best practice to African Diaspora children and families. We have made this resource because workers have told us that they need knowledge and practice ideas to support them in their work. It might be that you are reading this in order to develop your practice, in advance of working with a family. Or, perhaps you have begun the journey with a family and are looking for support.

Promoting conversations

Creating environments that make open conversation possible

Throughout our work with Passion4Fusion, we’ve been incredibly motivated by the optimism and drive of our partners. They are knowledgeable, dedicated and passionate about supporting the children and families they work with.

Where you find P4F, you find enthusiasm. 

Co-designing support

How we are harnessing workforce expertise to improve the experiences of black and ethnic minority families

At Iriss, we’ve been partnered with Passion4Fusion for nearly six months, working on the creation of a toolkit to equip the social care workforce with the understanding they need to best support black and ethnic minority families. Working with predominantly African diaspora in Edinburgh and the Lothians, this is an area that P4F know inside and out.

Empowering the Workforce: Supporting African Families

22 Jun 2023
Passion4Fusion and Iriss are developing resources for the social care workforce to build understanding and the knowledge required to support children, young people and families from ethnic minority backgrounds…

Acknowledging anxiety

Getting started with Passion4Fusion

Here at Iriss we have been thinking about Mental Health Awareness Week, which ran from the 15th to the 21st of May. It got me contemplating the complexity of navigating emotions, health, systems, work, life, and everything in between…