Passion4Fusion and Iriss are developing resources for the social care workforce to build understanding and the knowledge required to support children, young people and families from African backgrounds. Come to our 22nd June event to hear more about our research and project progress.
Back in April we kicked off our new project with Passion4Fusion, in partnership with The Promise. This piece of work brings together the lived experience of African Families who are involved with Passion4fusion, and Helene Rodger, who established the organisation in 2014 as an informal community initiative by a group of multi-cultural volunteers motivated to create a support structure to meet the needs of diverse ethnic minority communities. They are joined by researchers Zaki El-Salahi and Mildred Zimunya, who bring expertise in qualitative and action research in this area. Iriss is delighted to join this interesting and passionate group, and to contribute our understanding of the social care workforce; and bring our eye for ‘innovation’ to help shape a toolkit that can support the translation of knowledge into practice.
What is this work about?
There is much evidence to suggest that change is needed to adequately and fairly support the needs of African and Black families in Scotland today. African families experience a higher rate of short-term separation from their children as a result of physical abuse referrals. Long-term separation of children from their families is rarely an outcome. The impact of this family separation can be harmful to the children. There are many practice considerations that emerge from this insight. Understanding what lies beneath the use of physical discipline is key to differentiating between the children of families who require support, and those who require immediate care and protection. Insight 9 of the National Child Protection Guidance is particularly pertinent to this work, outlining the need for cultural competence in social work; and underlining the relevance of this work with Passion4Fusion.
The families we have spoken to, national guidance, and our research, have all identified that this is an area that presents an opportunity to “challenge practice that is not meeting the needs of children and families” (The Promise, Independent Care Review, p105).
The research findings so far, based on surveys and interviews with practitioners and families, has brought out the following themes:
- Addressing a need for representation and early engagement with ethnic minority families in services.
- Taking action to build trust and confidence in social services.
- Recognising and educating service providers about the importance of cultural competency and sensitivity in their work with African families.
There is a need for delivery of ethically sensitive practices in professional settings that include creating dialogue and opportunities that challenge prejudices and discriminatory attitudes.
In the absence of cultural awareness support, these cultural barriers contribute to negative outcomes and additional trauma for families who are already in significant distress. The aim of our partnership is to equip everyone who provides a supportive role to children, young people, and families, with the specialist knowledge required to respond to the unique and individual needs of these families with migrant and refugee/asylum status. This new understanding will improve outcomes and prevent many families reaching crisis point.
Join us and contribute to our work
We are looking for anyone who works in social care in a strategic, management or frontline capacity who is interested in contributing to the development of this work. We are particularly interested in involving people who may not have prior knowledge or experience working in this area. We would value the input of white social workers in frontline roles, who may not have worked with African families before.
How can you get involved?
Please join us for more discussion about this work, presentation of the research findings, and to input on the development of the toolkit, by registering for our event on the 22nd June 2023 at Hearts of Midlothian Football Club conference centre, EH11 2NL.
We will be hosting an online session to present the research findings over the summer.
If you'd like to be kept up to date with this work, you can sign up to the Iriss mailing list for updates on the project, or register for email updates from Passion4Fusion.