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ASPire 2024: Self-evaluation (webinar)

This is an ASPire webinar from November 2024. Its theme is self-evaluation and it has sessions from Ann-Marie Bruce (Chair of the national sub-group on self-evaluation), the Care Inspectorate (on the Quality Improvement Framework for Adult Support and Protection), Ronan Burke (on self-evaluation and hoarding), East Ayrshire Advocacy (on the ASP Lived Experience project) and Kenny O'Brien (on the NHS Public Protection Accountability and Assurance Framework).

ASPire 2023: Domestic abuse - overlaps and gaps (input 1) and Trauma-informed approach to Adult Support and Protection (input 2) (webinar)

This webinar looks at two specific areas. For the first two sections, Anne Hayne considers the overlaps and gaps in Adult Support and Protection and domestic abuse provision. In the final section, Frances Toland shares Renfrewshire's trauma-informed approach to ASP. There is also an accompanying briefing about the Renfrewshire approach.

Title screen for input 1 of video

Leading chronology improvement: Podcast (Moray / Iriss)

This podcast is a conversation between Vicki Low (Moray) and Ellen Daly (Iriss). Vicki talks to Ellen about the improvement work she led around chronologies. Topics covered include getting started, impact, messaging and measurement, and gaining support.

Image of arrows going up a screen, with one flying away

Pathway for capacity assessments for protection-based decisions (Grampian): Screening tool

This tool provides a structured way for professionals to consider systematically whether an adult requires a formal assessment of their capacity for decision making. It is designed to support professionals to consider key factors relating to an adult’s capacity at an early point and record that information. This document is featured in the Grampian pathway for capacity assessments for protection-based decisions.

Image of screening tool

Pathway for capacity assessments for protection-based decisions (Grampian)

This pathway is designed to clarify the process for seeking a capacity assessment where there are protection-based decisions linked to concerns about mental incapacity. Included with the pathway are guidance notes, information on escalation arrangements, and appendices that provide suggested text to request capacity assessments.

Overview of pathway diagram

A quality improvement framework for Adult Support and Protection

The quality improvement framework (QIF) is a tool to support Adult Support and Protection partnerships. It helps partnerships to carry out multi-agency self-evaluations of their Adult Support and Protection arrangements, critical in order to drive continuous improvement. The Care Inspectorate can also use the QIF to underpin future joint inspections of adult support and protection.

Cover of QIF

Forced Marriage Statutory Guidance

The Scottish Government recognises forced marriage to be a form of gender-based violence and, where children are victims of forced marriage, child abuse. It may be associated with other forms of domestic abuse and “honour based” abuse. Forced marriage can impact both men and women, however most cases typically involve younger women and girls between the ages
of 15 and under and 30. This guidance outlines the duties of statutory, public and third sector bodies involved in responding to forced marriage.

Image of two hands joined by a chain