Stuart Muirhead

Research alongside social care practice

Exploring the approach of Research Practice Partnerships

Back in 2009, I was a fresh faced researcher, working as an intern in the Office of the Chief Researcher in the Scottish Government. I was at an event listening to a talk by the then Chief Social Researcher, Diana Wilkinson. She was presenting on what influences policy makers to make the decisions that they do. There was a very sobering slide on how much politicians were influenced by evidence within their decision-making.

Using evidence for change

A collection of papers detailing an evidence into action scoping methodology

A collection of papers detailing an evidence into action scoping methodology.

Impact and outcomes reporting

Supporting intermediary organisations

Iriss was involved in delivering workshops, alongside Corra Foundation, that helped explore with intermediary support organisations their approaches to expressing the impact and outcomes of their work.

Community of Enquiry

A guide

An approach that offers space for a group of people to collaboratively explore ideas and ask rich and meaningful questions of each other.